ACE360 – Our Apprenticeship Management System

June 16, 2020

Achieve+Partners uses the ACE360 apprenticeship management system.  It is a secure portal designed to facilitate end point assessment. 

Achieve+Partners uses ACE360 to facilitate end point assessments. ACE360 creates a full management service, including Gateway sign off, document sharing, re-sits, appeals and management reporting.

What is ACE360

ACE360 is an Apprenticeship Management IT system thatenables you to manage Apprenticeship Standards delivery efficiently, securelyand paper-free. It links into your Learner Management System to ensure thatdata is accurate and joined up. It covers the whole Apprenticeship journey,from enrolment to certification.

Why use ACE360?

The system has huge benefits, including:

How do I use ACE360?

ACE360 is one of the forefront systems for end pointassessment (EPA) and many training providers will already be familiar with it.

It’s a very user-friendly system that makes it easy to checkand update the progress of apprentices. Training providers can upload Gatewayforms for sign off, as well as evidence produced for EPA. This is then storedsecurely and available for the EPAO to view and assess.

How do I sign up?

Training providers can sign up to ACE360 and receive a free training/on-boarding session here:

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