Furniture industry support needed for new kitchen design degree course

June 18, 2020

The kitchen industry needs to back a new design degree course if it is to become a reality, says The Kitchen Education Trust (TKET).

TKEis making an application to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education with the support of the KBSA and Achieve+Partners for a new degree in Home and Kitchen Design. The success of the current Foundation Degree in Kitchen Design has led to the application, with the new degree apprenticeship seen as a natural progression.


The industry needs to get behind the application by filling in a simple online form . This demonstrates to the Insitute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education that it is an apprenticeship worth developing.

Anyone wanting to give their support can complete the short petition by clicking here.

TKET chairman and managing director of Roundhouse, Craig Matson said: “Signing to support the application does not commit businesses to anything other than that they acknowledge the value in creating educated, professional staff with a recognised qualification, standardised across the country.

“Currently, the biggest barrier to developing suitable higher education options has been cost, however the government’s new degree apprenticeships are an opportunity to help overcome this issue and for the kbb industry to access education very cost effectively.”

You can find out more about the new qualification here – Higher Education, Home & Kitchen designer: Apprenticeship degree

TKET will submit the application on behalf of the industry and anyone in the sector can support it by signing by Friday July 3.

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